Thursday 6 October 2016

Who I am?

Hi! My name is Rosa Bauzà Sansó and during this year I will write in this blog as a lerning diary.

Right now I'm in 3rd of Eso, and I love dance an the music, but well you will see it in my following post...
Resultado de imagen de dance
In this bolg I will upload all that I will learn in my techology classes, and maybe you can use some of this information by your own use.

For presenting our selfs we have done a POWTOON, explaing our favorites inventions, what we
would liked to invent...
Here you have the link of int if you want to look at it:

                             Resultado de imagen de powtoon

If you don't know what Powtoon is, it is an app which let us to do a presentation in a different and original way.
It is to easy to use and it's free, this time I did'nt have problems, but you have to safe it constantly because it cacn delete all your work!
I really like do do this Poowtoon and I hope that we can repeat this experince.

Here you have a video that explins us HOW to use Powtoon.

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